Next Web & Technology

Finding ways to organize and provide new forms of information organization such as Objective Web, Microformat and microdata

Research & Innovation

To find ways to organize and provide new forms of information organization


  • Technologies that can provide mutual trust in a data business environment
  • Supporting the creation of new business value through the use of reliable and trustable data using various technologies such as blockchain, privacy protection and DID
  • Focusing on
    • Compliance Technologies for Regulation
    • Privacy Hiding Technologies
    • Applications using Personal Information (Smart Speaker, e-commerce and others)
    • Editable Blockchain Technology
    • Blockchain Applications
Visual Media

  • Providing a new digital sense connecting cyber-physical through innovation of Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • New media utilization environment technology using artificial intelligence
  • Research on Muiltiexperience technologies of AR / VR / MR and next generation mobile environment
  • Focusing on
    • AR, VR and MR Technologies
    • HCI Interface Technologies
Next Web

  • Technology to organize information and present it in new ways
  • Finding ways to organize and provide new forms of information organization such as Objective Web, Microformat and microdata
  • Focusing on
    • Content Browsing Technologies
    • Objective Web Technologies

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